Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

To Switch Between Oracle Lite & Oracle Client

If a computer has both Oracle Lite and Oracle Client installed, two ODBC System DSNs , one for Oracle Server and one for Oracle Lite, are required. Both of the following DSNs should have already been created during the replication installation process. Also, if CHDATA is a current DSN name, remove it. CHDATA be created when EDREPLICA.BAT runs.
Note: The DSN names are case sensitive and must be created using upper case.
  • CHDATAMASTER which points to the Oracle Server
  • CHDATALITE which points to Oracle Lite.
  1. Use the EDMASTER.BAT (to point to the SID in CHDATAMASTER) and EDREPLICA.BAT (to point to the SID in CHDATALITE) files to launch ED.
  2. To turn on Replication Refresh while switching between Oracle and OracleLite, edit the above batch files to pass the number "0" as the second parameter to CHGDSN.exe
Important notes:
  1. The OracleVer OLITE environment is no longer used. This variable has been moved to the CHConfig.ini. This file must have write properties enabled.

    Code Sample




  2. The CHEDMASTER environment variable is no longer used. The Replication tools get the Master instance name from the CHDATAMASTER DSN.
  3. Do not copy the EDMASTER.BAT and EDREPLICA.BAT files onto the Desktop. Instead make a shortcut on the desktop to point to the batch files on the server.
  4. The EDREPLICA.BAT program initializes the OracleVer variable in the CHConfig.ini file. Therefore, the first time, this program needs to be run before the EDMASTER.BAT file is run.
  5. CHDATA DSN - This is the one used by Workflow Manager. It is automatically created when the user switches between Oracle and Oracle Lite. It can point to either the Master or the Oracle Lite SID.